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发布时间: 2024-07-30 10:52 更新时间: 2024-10-19 08:00

The grand opening of the 33rd Shanghai Catering Seasoning Exhibition, Hotpot Bottom Material Exhibition, and HOTELEX Seasoning Exhibition in 2025 is destined to bring another transformation and opportunity to the Chinese catering industry. As an exhibition with significant influence in the global catering industry, this exhibition is hosted by Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. It has attracted the attention of seasoning and hot pot base suppliers, catering enterprises, and countless foodies from all over the country and even the world, making it an unmissable event in the catering industry.

This exhibition will be held grandly at the Shanghai New International Expo Center in April 2025, bringing together over a thousand companies to showcase a wide range of seasoning products, including traditional seasonings, blended Chinese and Western seasonings, and various innovative seasonings. In addition, the hotpot seasoning exhibition is aimed at the unique market demand of hotpot, a popular delicacy, and invites many hotpot brands to participate. The exhibition theme revolves around "seasoning innovation, quality upgrading", showcasing the modern catering industry's pursuit of ingredients, its stubbornness for quality, and its positive response to the diverse needs of consumers.

Shanghai, as the economic center and culinary capital of China, has always attracted diners from all over with its diverse dining culture. This HOTELEX seasoning exhibition is not only a commercial platform, but also a cultural exchange event. Here, participating companies will have the opportunity to have in-depth communication and cooperation with various catering practitioners, distributors, and buyers. The exhibition also features multiple themed forums, inviting participants to share market trends, product innovations, and best practices in catering operations, providing valuable industry insights for industry professionals.

For companies looking to expand their market, attending this exhibition is undoubtedly an opportunity. Whether foreign trade enterprises hope to enter the Chinese market or domestic enterprises are looking for product partners, HOTELEX will become a bridge connecting demand and supply. The exhibition will also set up a special negotiation area for one-on-one communication among enterprises, promoting the maximization of economic benefits.

Wide audience: The exhibition attracted various roles such as catering business owners, chefs, procurement managers, etc.

Rich product variety: covering seasonings, hot pot base ingredients, dry goods, soy sauce, vinegar, oil, etc., almost meeting the needs of all catering enterprises.

Industry Trend Outlook: Through expert lectures, help exhibitors and visitors understand new industry trends.

With the increasing demand for high-quality seasonings, if participating companies can seize this opportunity, they can not only gain exposure at the exhibition, but also gain an advantage in the subsequent market competition. During the exhibition, exhibitors can enhance their brand image, strengthen customer trust, and ultimately achieve order conversion through their displays. Especially for the hotpot base exhibition, with the strong demand for hotpot in the catering market, its exhibits will attract a large number of foodies to taste and purchase, resulting in high brand exposure.

Therefore, whether HOTELEX exhibition can reflect the innovation trend of the industry is also worth our attention. Contemporary consumers are increasingly focusing on health and food sources, and concepts such as additive free are gradually becoming important directions in seasoning production. As an exhibitor, if we can focus on these concepts in product development, it will undoubtedly enhance our market competitiveness and better meet the needs of consumers.

This year's exhibition also introduced digital technology, and many exhibitors showcased their products through technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality, allowing visitors to more intuitively feel the uniqueness of their products during the experience. This innovation not only enhances customer engagement, but also opens up new ways for product dissemination.

For companies that want to participate in exhibitions, it is recommended to plan and prepare in advance to ensure that the booth can effectively convey the company's image and brand value. At the exhibition, do not miss the opportunity to interact with other brands, adjust product strategies in a timely manner based on market feedback, and make the brand stand out in fierce competition. In addition, after participating in the exhibition, the collected customer data can be used for marketing and to expand the possibility of future cooperation.

It is worth mentioning that HOTELEX seasoning exhibition is not only an ideal platform for promoting products, but also an opportunity for learning and improvement. Major brands can not only showcase their product advantages, but also draw experience and inspiration from other industry players through communication and cooperation. For emerging brands, this is even more the beginning of showcasing their strength and establishment.

In summary, the 33rd HOTELEX Seasoning Exhibition in Shanghai in 2025 will carry too many expectations and possibilities. As a platform for you to expand your market, it builds a bridge between demand and supply, providing a broad stage for exhibitors and the catering industry to communicate and cooperate. If you are considering market expansion and brand promotion for your product, or want to broaden your industry perspective, don't miss this grand event. Let's gather in Shanghai and witness the future development and rise of new trends in the seasoning industry together!





  • 观众群体广泛:展会吸引了餐饮企业老板、厨师、采购经理等多种角色参与。

  • 产品种类丰富:涵盖调味料、火锅底料、干货、酱油、醋、油等,几乎满足所有餐饮企业的需求。

  • 行业趋势前瞻:通过专家讲座,帮助参展商与观众了解新行业动态。

  • 随着对高品质调味品的需求不断上升,参展企业若能抓住这一机遇,不仅可以在展会中获得曝光,还能在后续的市场竞争中占得先机。展会期间,参展商可以通过的展示来提升品牌形象,增强客户信任,终实现订单转化。尤其是火锅底料展部分,凭借火锅在餐饮市场的强劲需求,其展品将吸引大量吃货前来品尝与采购,品牌曝光率高。






    HOTELEX2025上海酒店及餐饮业展|2025上海餐饮设备展|2025上海酒店用品展|2025上海烘焙展|2025上海咖啡与茶展|2025上海食品展|2025上海乳品展|2025上海食品饮料展|2025上海国际巧克力展|2025上海高端食品展|2025上海自由品牌展|2025上海餐饮食材展|2025上海预制菜展|2025上海食品机械设备展2025上海食品包装展|2025上海餐饮设计展|2025上海连锁加盟展|2025上海厨房设备与用品展|2025上海烘焙冰淇淋展|2025上海国际巧克力展|2025HOTELEX Shanghai酒店展|2025上海葡萄酒展|2025上海火锅食材展|2025上海餐饮加盟展








    2025 HOTELEX 上海展现场将再次集结餐饮业的先驱、投资者、创业人、新老品牌的、业界专家。现场的头脑风暴、名家论道,涵盖餐饮业的方方面面。为未来发展提供创想,为行业痛点发声思考,直达人心。智慧与经验将在这里碰撞开花,我们也将有机会在此见证餐饮业更宏伟蓝图的诞生。

    2025 HOTELEX Shanghai

    2025年3月30日-4月2日,2025上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HOTELEX Shanghai)将在国家会展中心(上海浦西·虹桥)举办。

    由上海市文化和旅游局指导的HOTELEX上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会作为“十四五”期间重点打造的三大名片性活动之一——上海旅游产业博览会的重要组成部分,2025年将在 国家会展中心(上海浦西·虹桥)举办。

    2025 HOTELEX 上海展将继续为观众带来一场、高品质的行业盛会;为酒店、餐饮人汇聚优质的资源,打造化的交流平台,助力于行业发展。



    12大行业版块: 厨房设备与用品、桌面用品、餐饮食材、食品综合、饮品综合、 咖啡与茶、冰淇淋设备及物料、烘焙设备及物料、酒类综合、食品餐饮包装、餐饮设计及配套、连锁加盟及餐饮投资


    厨房设备与用品:烹饪设备综合、洗消设备( 原洗碗机设备)、制冷纸杯、厨房环保设备、中央厨房设备、厨房辅助设备及用品、厨房食品加工机械、厨房设备生产加工机械、冷链物流及配送












    / 咖啡类竞赛 /


    / 烘焙类竞赛 /


    / 饮品类竞赛 /


    / 烹饪类竞赛 /



    中国饭店行业发展论坛丨智慧商厨高峰论坛丨2025餐饮设计高峰论坛暨 ID 星级设计榜(餐饮类)揭晓丨星厨美食高峰论坛丨上海咖啡产业论坛丨中国餐饮BOSS大会丨中国餐饮产业生态峰会暨中国餐饮产业红牛奖盛典丨HOTELEX 中国国际新潮流食品饮料大会丨2025中国新烘焙影响力峰会丨年轻化大会 & 新消费创新趋势论坛丨2025餐饮边界趋势论坛丨2025中国新餐饮产业大会暨中国餐饮红黑榜颁奖典礼丨【民宿 +】论坛市集丨国际美食发展论坛丨中国商业特许经营春季峰会丨餐饮营销新生力大会



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