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2025第三十三届上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HOTELEX 2025 SHANGHAI)
发布时间: 2024-09-22 10:28 更新时间: 2024-09-22 10:28
观看2025第三十三届上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HOTELEX 2025 SHANGHAI)视频

In recent years, the booming development of the hotel and catering industry has attracted increasing attention and participation. In this context, the 2025 China HOTELEX Shanghai International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo will make a dazzling debut in the magic city of Shanghai in March. This exhibition is not only an important event in the industry, but also a concentrated showcase and exchange for the global hotel and catering industry. As one of the organizers, Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. has always been committed to promoting innovation and development in the industry, helping industry colleagues seek business opportunities and cooperation platforms.

1、 Background and purpose of the exhibition

Since its establishment, HOTELEX exhibition has developed into one of the influential exhibitions in the global hotel and catering industry. The exhibition in 2025 will focus on multiple important topics such as digital transformation, sustainable development, and the dissemination of food culture. We hope to use such a platform to help companies in the industry share experiences, showcase new products and technologies, and seek opportunities for win-win cooperation.

2、 Exhibition Highlights

At the 2025 HOTELEX exhibition, more than 1000 domestic and foreign companies will participate, with exhibits covering various fields such as hotel equipment, catering and food, kitchen facilities, cleaning supplies, etc. In addition to rich exhibition content, major brands will also showcase new industry trends and technological innovations through interactive demonstrations and lectures, refreshing attendees.

International exhibitor lineup: Exhibitors come from all over the world, showcasing high-end hotel equipment, specialty catering ingredients, and showcasing cutting-edge international concepts in catering and hotel management.

Industry Elite Sharing: Experts and scholars in the industry will share their practical experience in operation and management in the industry, helping attendees broaden their horizons and understand industry development trends.

Interactive experience area: Set up multiple interactive experience areas where guests can personally experience new cooking equipment or beverage preparation, making virtual product displays more vivid.

3、 The Importance of Exhibiting

For the companies participating in this exhibition, HOTELEX is not only a platform to showcase their brands and products, but also an opportunity for learning and communication. Whether it is a large hotel group or a small to medium-sized catering enterprise, participating in exhibitions can effectively increase brand exposure and expand customer channels.

We believe that in the face of a rapidly changing market, it is necessary to constantly explore and try new things. Especially with the rapid development of digitalization, the hotel management systems and intelligent devices related to digitalization showcased at exhibitions will bring new changes to the industry.

4、 The unique charm of Shanghai, the capital of magic

This exhibition is held in Shanghai, coinciding with the city's prosperity and vitality. Shanghai is not only one of China's major economic centers, but also a hot spot for international cultural integration. In this city, the development of hotels and catering industry keeps up with the world trend. Faced with the globalized catering culture, Shanghai, with its unique geographical location and historical background, has added a lot of cultural connotations to the exhibition.

In addition, the unique cuisine and innovative mindset of the Magic City have brought unlimited inspiration to the attendees. During the exhibition, exhibitors and visitors can also take this opportunity to taste many creative local delicacies and experience the infinite possibilities of the catering industry.

5、 Sustainable Development: The Future Trends of the Industry

Sustainable development, as an important trend in the global hotel and catering industry today, will also be explored in depth at HOTELEX exhibition. With the increasing attention of consumers to environmental protection and sustainability, many companies in the industry have begun to explore how to better achieve sustainable development in their business processes.

At the exhibition, participating companies will showcase their successful cases in sustainable food procurement, green catering, and zero waste hotel management, inspiring shared thinking among attendees and providing reference for future industry transformation.

6、 Exhibited products and services

The exhibition will showcase many new equipment and services, covering various room facilities, catering solutions, and comprehensive management systems, allowing exhibitors to fully understand market trends and industry dynamics.

Hotel equipment: including bedding, home appliances, security monitoring, and a series of modern hotel essential equipment to enhance room management and customer experience.

Catering ecological chain solution: providing a comprehensive solution from ingredient procurement, kitchen equipment, to finished product serving, to enhance the efficiency of catering operations.

Digital management system: Introduce new software systems to help enterprises improve internal management efficiency and optimize customer experience.

7、 Participation methods and exhibition schedule

The 2025 HOTELEX exhibition will last for three days, and both exhibitors and visitors can register in advance through the official website to obtain exhibition information and event arrangements. Whether as an exhibitor or a visitor, through this exhibition, you will be able to access cutting-edge industry information and opportunities for resource integration.

8、 Conclusion: Meeting in the Magic City to Create a Shared Future

The 2025 China HOTELEX Shanghai International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo will bring you a brand new industry experience. Whether you are a practitioner, investor, or individual interested in the hotel industry, we welcome you to come and witness this grand event together. Through the exhibition, we look forward to exploring the future of the industry with you and creating more business opportunities.

Let's meet in the magic city of Shanghai in March, shining together with the brilliance of this industry and witnessing a new chapter in the hotel and catering industry. By participating in the exhibition, you will gain unlimited inspiration and opportunities. Looking forward to your arrival!





在2025 HOTELEX的展会上,将有超过1000家国内外企业参展,展品涵盖酒店设备、餐饮食品、厨房设施、清洁用品等多个领域。除了丰富的展览内容,各dapinpai还将通过互动式的演示与讲座,展示新的行业趋势和技术创新,令与会者耳目一新。

  • 国际化的展商阵容: 参展商来自全球各地,展示的产品涵盖高端酒店设备、特色餐饮食材等,展示国际前沿的餐饮与酒店管理理念。

  • 行业精英分享: 行业内的专家、学者将分享他们在行业中实际操作和管理的经验,帮助与会者拓展视野,理解行业发展动态。

  • 互动体验区: 设立多个互动体验区,来宾可以亲自体验新的烹饪设备或饮品调制,让虚拟的产品展示变得更加生动。

  • 三、参展的重要性











  • 酒店设备: 包括床上用品、家电设备、安防监控等一系列现代酒店必备设备,提升客房管理与顾客体验。

  • 餐饮生态链解决方案: 提供从食材采购、厨房设备,到成品上桌的全面解决方案,提升餐饮经营效率。

  • 数字化管理系统: 介绍新的软件系统,帮助企业提升内部管理效率,优化客户体验。

  • 七、参与方式与展会日程

    2025 HOTELEX的展会将持续三天,参展与观众均可提前通过guanfangwangzhan进行登记,获取参展资料与活动安排。无论是作为展商还是访客,通过这次展会,您都将能够获取前沿的行业资讯和资源整合机会。














    第三十三届上海国际酒店及餐饮博览会(2025 HOTELEX Shanghai)将于明年3月30日-4月2日在上海虹桥国家会展中心举办。上海博华国际展览有限公司作为展会唯一的主办方及销售方,将继续保持一贯的视角与zhuoyue品质,同时充分依托行业协会背景,继续与中国旅游饭店业协会携手合作。



    上海国际酒店用品展览会(HOTELEX Shanghai)作为酒店餐饮行业全球规模大、影响力强、水平高的博览会之一。一如既往关注酒店用品行业的创新元素与绿色理念的实践,HOTELEX始终从角度出发,旗下包含十三个主题展区:餐饮设备综合、桌面用品、酒店布草及纺织品、客房电器及用品、酒店IT及安防设备、康体健身与休闲娱乐、食品与饮料、咖啡与茶、烘焙及冰激凌、葡萄酒与烈酒、酒店设计、酒店建筑、酒店工程等主题展区,为酒店餐饮人士提供一站式采购的平台











    葡萄酒与烈酒:葡萄酒、啤酒、香槟/烈性酒、利口酒/ 黄酒、白酒、药酒、保健酒/酒柜、酒类器具、调酒设备




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