| 更新时间 2025-01-07 08:00:00 价格 请来电询价 联系电话 13524187672 联系手机 13651828941 联系人 王悦(经理) 立即询价 |
PLF has received strong support and full trust from exhibitors from all over the world, carrying the high recognition and trust of the audience at previous exhibitions. The 13th Global Private Brand Product Asia Exhibition will continue to focus on "circular growth, iterative progress", upgrade the four highlights of the exhibition, and present a wonderful, safe, and high-quality retail event for the industry.
Upgrade of exhibition product categories: Further optimize the exhibition product categories in a reasonable manner, with classified exhibition areas such as the Department Store, International Comprehensive Hall, Minsheng Food Hall, and Comprehensive Food Hall, to better meet the current market demand of participating enterprises. The exhibits include three major categories: food, non food, and fresh, covering 43 major categories. PLF will continue to maintain the advantages of strong categories such as livelihood food, leisure snacks, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, candies and chocolates, home and daily necessities, and personal cleaning, and continue to expand into emerging market categories to further meet the demand for full category procurement and selection brought about by the rapid development of self owned brands in the retail industry.
◆ 展商品质升级:严格把关展商品质,本届展会省部级龙头企业占比超过15%,PLSC会员企业占比超过25%,有自有品牌合作经验工厂占比超过60%,通过质量管理体系认证企业超过70%,助力企业开发供应链更快、更精准、更省心。 优质的参展企业,可为展会和市场提供更有质量保障的商品供应。第十三届全球自有品牌产品亚洲展的展商遴选标准比往届更高。PLSC作为推动中国自有品牌发展的主要机构,一直在引导和培育自有品牌优质制造商企业,展会将在位置Zui显著的主展区引入PLSC会员企业。 PLF&FMR优质展商名单抢先看,以现场情况为准 ◆ 观众群体扩大:专业观众除了覆盖商超、便利店、专业店等人群外,本届展会将扩大线下零售企业、电商平台、新零售、品牌方、企业定制、供应链等群体的比例,让参展商全方位对接零售领域到采购需求,扩展业务范围和参展成效。
PLF&FMR拟邀观众名单抢先看,以现场情况为准 ◆ 观展体验升级:分类展区、首届亚太自有品牌高峰论坛、金星奖颁奖典礼晚宴、金星奖获奖产品展示、零售商午餐培训会、精准现场对接会等内容精彩纷呈,展会近二十场同期活动将整体升级展商和观众的参展体验。 展会将开辟自有品牌新品SHOW场,在展示新品的同时,现场展商和零售商将同台分享新品的卖点和从创意到落地的产品开发故事等,让展商和观众了解自有品牌新品开发的趋势和走向。年度潮流新品亮相、展商和零售商同台竞技、新品开发经验直接获取,PLF自有品牌新品SHOW场将成为本届展会的磁力场。 自有品牌新品SHOW场让观众、展商了解新品开发趋势 披荆斩棘,所向披靡。我们依旧相信2022零售业市场的活力。目前预登记正火热进行中,关注“自有品牌亚洲展”、“零售生鲜食材展”公众号,即可报名预登记,免费参观展会。所有自有品牌人,3月23-25日齐聚上海新国际博览中心,让我们一起走向灿烂的未来。
- 电 话:13524187672
- 联系人:王悦(经理)
- 手 机:13651828941
- 微 信:13651828941