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发布时间: 2024-10-27 16:45 更新时间: 2024-10-28 08:00

In the global trend of transformation and development in the catering industry, the 2025 Chengdu Food Expo will become an important exhibition event. As a benchmark for the domestic catering industry, the Chengdu International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo is hosted by Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. and will be held grandly in Chengdu in 2025. This grand event brings together various brands, enterprises, suppliers, and related individuals in the hotel and catering industry, building a broad platform for communication, cooperation, and transactions. This article will analyze the significance, exhibition content, and potential impact on industry development of this exhibition from multiple perspectives.

1、 Exhibition Background and Industry Trends

Under the current globalization background and the promotion of consumption upgrading, the catering industry is experiencing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. In this process, Chengdu, as the economic center and famous city of catering culture in western China, has become an ideal choice for catering exhibitions due to its unique geographical location and abundant food resources. The traditional catering model is gradually being replaced by a younger and more diverse consumer demand. During the exhibition, new industry trends, technologies, and products will be showcased, becoming an important gathering place for potential customers and industry partners.

2、 Exhibition content and highlights

The 2025 Chengdu Food Expo will cover exhibits and activities in multiple fields, including:

Catering Equipment and Technology: Showcasing new kitchen equipment, food processing equipment, and digital management systems to provide efficient and convenient solutions for small and medium-sized catering businesses.

Food raw materials: Gathering suppliers, showcasing high-quality food raw materials, and helping catering enterprises achieve a healthy and green business philosophy.

Catering Chain and Franchise: Showcasing various catering chain brands, promoting franchising and cooperation, and allowing more investors to see market opportunities.

Intelligent catering and innovative technology: Exploring the future development direction of catering by showcasing emerging technologies such as intelligent ordering and mobile payments.

3、 Value of Participation and Industry Impact

For exhibitors, the Chengdu Food Expo is not only a great opportunity to showcase their own brand and services, but also an important way to establish connections with potential customers and obtain market feedback. Participants can directly understand industry trends and market demands through the exhibition, engage in in-depth communication with peers, and seek opportunities for cooperation. For the audience, the exhibition will provide rich industry knowledge sharing and skill training, attract industry experts to come on-site for discussions, and enhance the overall quality of practitioners.

4、 Enhance brand awareness and market competitiveness

Nowadays, the influence of a brand is inseparable from its competitiveness in the market. By participating in the 2025 Chengdu Food Expo, companies can achieve:

Brand exposure: By showcasing at the booth and expanding the market, increase the brand's market awareness.

Establishing a network: Establishing connections with exhibitors from various parties, forming a good business network, and promoting subsequent business cooperation.

Product promotion: Visually showcase product advantages and applications to target customers, promoting sales conversion.

Industry leadership: Leading the industry direction and seizing opportunities through innovation and high-quality services.

5、 The geographical and cultural advantages of Chengdu

Chengdu is not only the capital of Sichuan Province, but also a city with profound cultural heritage and culinary characteristics. Its unique geographical and cultural advantages provide favorable conditions for the successful hosting of catering exhibitions. Chengdu is a famous' culinary capital ', where Sichuan cuisine is renowned for its unique flavor and rich selection of ingredients, attracting numerous catering enthusiasts and industry professionals to gather. Through the exhibition, exhibitors can not only taste the classic cuisine of Chengdu, but also gain a deeper understanding of local market trends and consumer preferences, which will have a positive impact on the marketing of the catering industry.

6、 Exhibition information and participation methods

At present, the number of companies and brands registering for exhibitions is increasing, and the competition for booths is becoming increasingly fierce. Enterprises that want to occupy a place at the 2025 Chengdu Food Expo should plan and book as early as possible. Through the official website of Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd., participants can obtain new exhibition information, exhibition details, and related fees.

7、 Summary and Prospect

The 2025 Chengdu Catering Exhibition, Catering Expo, and International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo are undoubtedly important links in promoting industry progress and facilitating business cooperation. With the development and changes of the catering industry, enterprises need to keep up with the pace of the times, strengthen innovation and flexible adaptability. For friends who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the market and seeking opportunities for cooperation, the Chengdu Food Expo will be an important occasion that cannot be missed. On this vast land of cuisine, we look forward to exploring the infinite possibilities of the future with you.






  • 餐饮设备与技术:展示新的厨房设备、食品加工设备及数字化管理系统,为中小型餐饮业者提供高效、便捷的解决方案。

  • 食品原材料:汇聚的供应商,展示优质的食品原材料,帮助餐饮企业实现健康、绿色的经营理念。

  • 餐饮连锁与加盟:展示各类餐饮连锁品牌,推动加盟与合作,让更多投资者看到市场的机会。

  • 智能餐饮与创新科技:通过展现智能点餐、移动支付等新兴科技,探索未来餐饮的发展方向。

  • 三、参与价值与行业影响




  • 品牌曝光:通过展位展示和拓展市场,增加品牌的市场认知度。

  • 建立网络:与各方参展者建立联系,形成良好的商贸网络,推动后续的业务合作。

  • 产品推广:直观向目标客户展示产品优势与应用,促进销售转化。

  • 行业引领:通过创新与优质服务引领行业方向,先机。

  • 五、成都的地理与人文优势









    博华成都联展(Connexion Chengdu)是上海博华国际展览有限公司重磅推出的集食品,餐饮,酒店,家居,大健康,生活方式于一体的大型综合类展会。2025博华成都联展将整合成都国际酒店及商业空间博览会、成都国际清洁技术与设备展览会及成都国际连锁加盟展览会,为整个西南大市场打造的集餐饮食品、酒店、清洁及连锁加盟一站式大型采购平台。



    展会将继续呈现集食品、餐饮、酒店,生活方式的丰富展品板块,包括餐饮设备、桌面用品、火锅食材、调味品、连锁加盟、预制食品、餐饮包装、咖啡茶饮 、烘焙轻餐、生活方式、清洁技术、物业管理、洗涤用品、环卫设备、装饰材料、酒店用品、智慧酒店、酒店加盟等近20da板块。






    现在,我们激动地宣布,2025 成都展的展位正式开售!这是您展示品牌、拓展市场、结交合作伙伴的好机会。








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