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发布时间: 2024-10-02 09:47 更新时间: 2024-10-03 08:00

With the rapid development of technology, the hotel industry has undergone profound changes. The form of unmanned hotels is gradually becoming an emerging trend, especially in rapidly developing cities such as Shanghai. Driven by technological innovation, this international metropolis has become a gathering place for numerous entrepreneurs and enterprises. The 2025 Shanghai International Unmanned Hotel Exhibition will be themed "Hotel+Shop Plus Digital Hotel, AI Smart Hotel", showcasing new achievements and future trends in the industry. Hosted by Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd., this exhibition will provide a platform for all participants in the hotel industry to share innovative achievements and exchange experiences.

1、 The significance and value of exhibitions

As an important platform for industry exchange, exhibitions not only showcase new products and technologies, but also serve as a barometer of industry trends. For operators and investors of unmanned hotels, this exhibition will provide valuable support in multiple dimensions.

Communication and Cooperation: The exhibition has attracted numerous industry enterprises, investors, and technology developers, creating a good atmosphere for communication. Here, exhibitors can communicate with peers, seek cooperation opportunities, and explore new market spaces.

Gain industry insights: Through expert lectures and forums at exhibitions, participants can learn about the latest developments in the industry, including consumer behavior, technological advancements, and more. This information will help with subsequent business decisions.

Inspiring innovative thinking: The cutting-edge technologies and innovative concepts showcased at the exhibition can stimulate innovative thinking in the unmanned field of enterprises and promote continuous business upgrading.

2、 Unmanned hotels and their development trends

Unmanned hotels refer to hotels that do not require traditional front desk service personnel, and greatly improve their operational efficiency through technology such as self check-in and self check-out. In recent years, this model has been gradually promoted worldwide, especially after the epidemic, consumers' demand for contactless services has become increasingly urgent.

Cost effectiveness: Unmanned mode can significantly reduce labor costs and enhance hotel profitability. Through automation technology, hotels can maintain service quality and save human resources.

Customer experience optimization: The flexibility of self-service meets the needs of modern consumers, who hope to be able to check in and out at any time without waiting. This model has improved customer satisfaction and increased customer turnover.

Data driven decision-making: By collecting customer data through technological means, hotels can better understand consumer needs, position the market, and enhance marketing effectiveness.

3、 The Rise of AI Smart Hotels

The introduction of AI technology has brought revolutionary changes to the hotel industry. AI can not only simplify operational processes, but also enhance customer experience. The development of this technology also enables smart hotels to establish closer connections with customers.

Intelligent recommendation system: By analyzing customers' historical data and preferences, AI can provide personalized recommendation services to improve customer satisfaction and stickiness.

Popularity of voice assistants: Many smart hotels have begun to introduce voice assistants, enabling guests to quickly meet their needs within the hotel through voice commands. This service not only improves convenience, but also enhances the modernity of the hotel.

Predictive maintenance: AI technology can monitor the real-time operation status of equipment in hotels, identify possible faults in advance, reduce maintenance costs, and improve equipment utilization.

4、 Market opportunities in Shanghai

As the financial and commercial center of China, Shanghai has enormous market potential. In recent years, the Shanghai Municipal Government has actively promoted technological innovation and encouraged the integration and development of traditional industries and high-tech. Unmanned hotels and AI smart hotels are in line with this trend and are steadily being accepted by the market.

Driven by the youth consumer group: Shanghai has a large number of young consumers who are more inclined towards digital and personalized services. This provides a huge market demand for the rise of unmanned and smart hotels.

International perspective: As an international city, Shanghai has attracted a large number of foreign investment and multinational enterprises, enhancing its market competitiveness. Unmanned hotels not only improve service efficiency, but also provide good prospects for foreign investment.

Complete technological support: Shanghai's relatively mature technological infrastructure provides a favorable environment for the research and application of unmanned hotel technology.

5、 The Importance of Participating in Exhibitions

For hotel professionals, the 2025 Shanghai International Unmanned Hotel Exhibition is undoubtedly an important opportunity that cannot be missed. Whether investors, managers, or technology developers, they can discover new business opportunities and acquire new knowledge here.

Get industry trends: Attendees can directly access cutting-edge market trends and fully grasp the future development direction of the industry.

Network construction: The exhibition provides a platform for participants to establish connections and find partners, helping to expand their business.

Expanding business horizons: Exhibitors can obtain rich industry solutions and enhance their business competitiveness.

6、 Highlight display of the exhibition

To ensure the successful holding of the exhibition, Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. is committed to providing rich display content, including on-site demonstrations of new technologies and products from major companies, as well as related seminars.

Industry Enterprise Display: Multiple industry enterprises will showcase their new unmanned hotels and AI smart hotel solutions at the exhibition, covering intelligent hardware, software systems, and comprehensive services.

Expert sharing session: Invite domestic and foreign experts to give keynote speeches, explore the development opportunities and challenges of unmanned hotels, share successful cases and practical experience.

Interactive Experience Area: A special interactive experience area has been set up where participants can personally experience the new self-service check-in system and intelligent service platform, and feel the service mode of future hotels.

The 2025 Shanghai International Unmanned Hotel Exhibition will provide industry participants with a broad perspective and choices in an era of opportunities and challenges. The future development of hotels cannot be separated from technological innovation and changes in service models, and all of these will be presented one by one at the exhibition. We sincerely welcome all friends related to the hotel industry to actively participate in this grand event and explore the future of unmanned hotels and smart hotels together.

随着科技的飞速发展,酒店行业迎来了深刻的变革。无人值守的酒店形式逐渐成为新兴潮流,尤其是在经济快速发展的城市,如上海。这座国际化大都市在技术创新的驱动下,成为了众多创业者和企业的聚集地。2025上海国际无人值守酒店展览会将以“Hotel+Shop Plus数字酒店、AI智慧酒店”为主题,展示行业内的新成就和未来趋势。由上海博华国际展览有限公司主办,此次展会将为酒店行业的各方参与者提供一个共享创新成果与经验交流的平台。



  • 交流与合作:展会吸引了众多行业企业、投资者和技术开发者,形成了良好的交流氛围。在这里,参展者可以与同行沟通,寻求合作机会,开拓新的市场空间。

  • 获取行业洞察:通过展会中专家的讲座和论坛,参与者能够了解到行业的新动态,包括消费者行为、技术进步等。这些信息将有助于后续的业务决策。

  • 激发创新思维:展会展示的前沿技术和创新理念,能够激发企业在无人值守领域的创新思维,推动业务的持续升级。

  • 二、无人值守酒店及其发展趋势


  • 成本效益:无人值守模式可以大幅降低人工成本,提升酒店盈利能力。通过自动化技术,酒店可以在保持服务质量的,节省人力资源。

  • 客户体验优化:自助服务的灵活性满足了现代消费者的需求,他们希望能够随时办理入住与退房,无需等待。这一模式提高了客户的满意度,增强了客户的回头率。

  • 数据驱动决策:通过技术手段收集客户数据,酒店能够更好地理解消费者需求,定位市场,提升营销效果。

  • 三、AI智慧酒店的崛起


  • 智能推荐系统:通过分析客户的历史数据和偏好,AI可以为客户提供个性化的推荐服务,提高客户的满意度和粘性。

  • 语音助手普及:许多智慧酒店已经开始引入语音助手,使客人在酒店内的需求能够通过语音指令快速满足。这种服务不仅提高了便捷性,也增强了酒店的现代感。

  • 预测性维护:AI技术能够实时监测酒店内设备的运行状态,预先识别可能的故障,降低维修成本,提高设备利用率。

  • 四、上海的市场机遇


  • 青年消费群体带动:上海拥有大批年轻消费者,他们更倾向于于数字化、个性化的服务。这为无人值守和智慧酒店的崛起提供了巨大的市场需求。

  • 国际化视野:作为国际化都市,上海吸引了大量外资和跨guoqi业,提升了市场竞争力。无人值守酒酒店在提升服务效率的,也给外商投资提供了良好的前景。

  • 完善的科技配套:上海的技术基础设施相对成熟,为无人值守酒店的技术研发和应用提供了良好的环境。

  • 五、参与展会的重要性


  • 获取行业趋势:参会者可以直接接触市场前沿动态,充分掌握行业未来的发展方向。

  • 网络建设:展会为参会者提供了一个建立人脉、寻找合作伙伴的平台,助力业务拓展。

  • 拓展业务视野:参展者能够获取丰富的行业解决方案,提升自身业务竞争力。

  • 六、展会的亮点展示


  • 行业企业展示:多家行业企业将在展会上展示其新的无人值守酒店及AI智慧酒店解决方案,涵盖智能硬件、软件系统及综合服务。

  • 专家分享会:邀请国内外专家进行主题演讲,探讨无人值守酒店的发展机遇和挑战,分享成功案例及实践经验。

  • 互动体验区:特别设立互动体验区,参会者可以亲自体验新的自助入住系统和智能服务平台,感受未来酒店的服务模式。

  • ,2025上海国际无人值守酒店展览会将在机遇和挑战并存的时代,为行业参与者提供了广阔的视野与选择。未来的酒店发展离不开技术创新与服务模式的变革,而这一切,都将在展会中一一呈现。我们诚挚欢迎所有与酒店行业相关的朋友们,积极参与到此次盛会中来,一同探索无人值守酒店与智能酒店的未来。

    2025年Hotel &Shop Plus上海酒店工程设计与用品博览会将于3月31日-4月3日在上海新国际博览中心浦东举办。展会由中国旅游饭店业协会、中国百货商业协会、中国照明电器协会、中国建筑文化中心、上海博华国际展览有限公司联合主办。






    卫浴及整体解决方案、整体浴室、智能马桶、浴室柜、淋浴房、智能浴镜、花洒、地漏五金、台面系统、 spa等;



    工程设计、装配式内装、集成吊顶系统;新风净化及空气治理 、暖通设备、热水及热泵管道设备 ;门窗及自动门;康体休闲、健身器材、康体 、亲子游乐、泳池设备等;


    智慧酒店及商业空间、智能门锁、影音系统、机器人、智能影音系统、智能客控系统、自助入住系统、酒店智能设备及整体解决方案、 IT 及安防、数据标识及导视系统、商业显示屏、音响及播放系统等;

    智慧酒店馆:智能门锁、影音系统、机器人、智能客控系统、自助入住系统、酒店智能设备及整体解决方案、 IT 及安防、智慧酒店整体解决方案等;










    光之韵; 匠之心照明系列活动

    由上海博华国际展览有限公司主办的光之韵 · 匠之心 照明系列论坛,通过和云知光、灯光帮、灯光与设计等照明媒体的合作,与业内照明设计师、酒馆集团 代表、商业空间业主等人士,聚焦酒店室内外照明、 商业空间、建筑、景观等多个照明设计领域,探索我国照明行业未来新十年的发展大势,带观众走进光影之间, 感受光影的魅力。


    SHOP PLUS 作为国内以商业空间买家为导向的工程caigou渠道类展会,依托中国百货商业协会及中国旅游饭店业协会的行业领导力,凝聚以购物中心业主、商业空间设计师、美陈及橱窗设计师、装饰工程设计公司、品牌方、餐饮管理及业主、酒店管理公司等集采终端买家等优质资源;整合品牌连锁加盟、商业空间设计、导视标识系统、商业展示道具、视觉营销、智慧零售信息技术、数字化商业、自助服务等供应链板块;展会已发展为零售及商业空间领域设计、建设与运营产品、服务等解决方案的一站式工程caigou平台。



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