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发布时间: 2024-08-24 16:17 更新时间: 2024-09-13 08:00

In 2025, the China HOTELEX High end Catering Exhibition (the 33rd Shanghai Hotel Supplies and Hotel Catering Exhibition) will become a major event in the industry, hosted by Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. This exhibition is not only a showcase for the catering industry, but also an important opportunity to gather innovation, exchange experiences, and explore market trends. With the continuous growth of people's demand for high-end catering, HOTELEX exhibition will continue to lead the industry development trend and provide participants with rich interactive experiences.

1、 Exhibition Overview

HOTELEX exhibition was founded in 1990 and is one of the largest hotel supplies and catering exhibitions in China. In 2025, the exhibition will continue to be held in Shanghai for four days, attracting numerous brands and individuals from home and abroad. The main exhibition areas of the exhibition include hotel equipment, kitchen equipment, food and beverage, hotel supplies, etc., covering various fields of the high-end catering industry.

2、 The significance of exhibitions

Participating in HOTELEX exhibition is of great significance to brands, enterprises, and industry professionals., The exhibition provides exhibitors with a stage to showcase their products and technologies, which helps increase brand exposure., Exhibitors can learn about the latest market trends and cutting-edge developments in the industry through communication with peers. Afterwards, exhibitors can take this opportunity to establish contacts with potential customers, promote business cooperation, and achieve win-win results.

3、 New Industry Trends

In the high-end catering industry, with the continuous upgrading of consumer demand, innovation and sustainable development have gradually become the core of enterprise development. Here are some industry trends worth paying attention to:

Health and Environmental Protection: Modern consumers are increasingly concerned about the health and safety of food, and businesses need to consider ecological protection and food traceability.

Personalized service: Customized catering experience has become a new market demand, and enterprises need to provide more flexible and diversified choices.

Digital transformation: Digital means such as mobile payment, online booking, and data analysis are changing traditional catering models and enhancing user experience.

4、 Specially invited experts' sharing

During the exhibition, multiple chefs will be invited to give on-site demonstrations and share their knowledge. They have rich experience and can bring new perspectives to attendees from different angles. For example, a chef will showcase how to attract young consumers through innovative dishes, sharing novel ingredient combinations and unique cooking techniques. This face-to-face communication undoubtedly enhances the practicality and effectiveness of the exhibition.

5、 Exhibition Highlights

At the HOTELEX exhibition in 2025, multiple highlights will be showcased:

New Product Release: Numerous brands will showcase their newly launched products, and the exhibition will become a great stage for showcasing new products.

Interactive experience: The exhibition sets up an interactive area for visitors to personally experience the product and further understand its effectiveness.

International perspective: Attracting buyers and suppliers from all over the world, breaking geographical limitations, and achieving resource sharing.

6、 How to prepare for exhibition

In order to fully leverage the effectiveness of the exhibition, it is recommended that participating companies plan in advance:

Clear objectives: Set exhibition goals, such as increasing brand awareness, expanding markets, etc.

Design an attractive booth: The booth design needs to reflect the brand image and have sufficient visual impact to attract more potential customers' attention.

Personnel training: The participating team needs to strengthen their understanding of the product, prepare detailed promotions and explanations, and enhance customer communication skills.

7、 Visiting Guide

For industry professionals looking to visit exhibitions, the following are some practical suggestions:

Pre registration: It is recommended to register on the official website in advance to arrange the visit time and avoid queuing on site.

Develop a visit plan: Based on the exhibition map, plan the brands and exhibits to be visited to improve the efficiency of the visit.

Participate in communication activities: Utilize forums and exchange activities during the exhibition to understand industry trends and have direct conversations with experts.

8、 Summary and Prospect

The 2025 China HOTELEX High end Catering Exhibition will bring new opportunities to the industry and serve as a platform for display and communication. As the organizer, Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. hopes to promote the further development of the high-end catering industry and bring more business opportunities to enterprises through this exhibition. Looking forward to more industry colleagues actively participating and witnessing this feast together!

Looking back at past exhibitions, participants not only gained rich knowledge, but also were able to build long-term partnerships through the internet. Faced with the constantly changing market, we hope that every participant can find their own opportunity at this exhibition, and through mutual learning and cooperation, promote the development and innovation of the industry. In 2025, let us gather in Shanghai and together embark on a new chapter in the high-end catering industry.








  • 健康与环保:现代消费者越来越关注食品的健康与安全,企业需考虑生态环保和食品的可追溯性。

  • 个性化服务:定制化餐饮体验成为新的市场需求,企业需提供更加灵活和多样化的选择。

  • 数字化转型:移动支付、在线预订、数据分析等数字化手段正在改变传统餐饮模式,提升用户体验。

  • 四、特邀专家的分享




  • 新品发布:众多品牌将携新推出的产品亮相,展会将成为新品展示好的舞台。

  • 互动体验:展会设立互动区,让参观者亲身体验产品,进一步了解其使用效果。

  • 国际化视野:吸引全球各地的买家与供应商,打破地域限制,实现资源共享。

  • 六、如何准备参展


    1. 明确目标:设定参展目标,如提高品牌度、拓展市场等。

    2. 设计吸引人的展位:展位设计需要体现品牌形象,视觉冲击力要足,以吸引更多潜客的关注。

    3. 人员培训:参展团队需强化对产品的了解,准备好详细的推广和解释,提升客户沟通能力。



  • 提前注册:建议提前在guanfangwangzhan注册,以便安排参观时间,避免现场排队。

  • 制定参观计划:根据展侧地图,规划好要参观的品牌和展品,提高参观效率。

  • 参与交流活动:利用展会期间的论坛和交流活动,了解行业趋势,与专家直接对话。

  • 八、总结与展望












    HOTELEX上海展达成了突破性的成绩!现场HOTELEX实际展出400,000+ ㎡展出面积,集聚3000+ 优质展商,4天展期吸引了共计39,4530名观众到场,

    较疫情前增长超93%!现场举办20+ 场精彩赛事及论坛活动。HOTELEX上海展所有的努力和结果获得了观众、展商以及合作伙伴的!










    酒店布草及纺织品、餐厅设计装饰、酒店IT与安防设备、康体健身与休闲娱乐、酒店清洁、酒店家具、空间设计与装饰选材 餐饮设备综合、







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