中国是世界上重要的肉类及的海鲜水产品市场,相关统计显示,中国肉类及制品进口额增长迅速,2010至2020十年间,复合增长率为29.8%,远高于14.8%的中国进口食品整体复合增长率。水海产品及制品2020年进口总额为128.8亿美元。根据联合国粮农组织的预测到2030 年中国市场海鲜消费将占到全球消费总量的38%。
本届展会将继续集中展示餐饮供应链一体化的解决方案,整合供应链资源,促进产业链合作,在帮助餐饮企业保障食品安全,对接上下游资源,降低企业采购成本,探索新零售趋势,丰富新零售产品等方面发挥积极作用。同时,本届展会继续推出预制菜展区,在原有餐饮新食材展区基础上升级整合为预制菜与餐饮新食材展区,全面聚焦预制菜餐饮市场,为预制菜的展示与贸易搭建一个、的品牌展览平台。此外,展会还将充分发挥餐饮产业的相关带动作用,在垃圾分类、厉行节约、助农兴农和巩固扶贫成果等方面为餐饮行业繁荣发展做出新的贡献。➣ 2024FHC中国国际烹饪艺术比赛
➣ 2024上海国际潮流饮品创意制作大赛
➣ 2024中国餐饮供应链与新零售峰会
➣ 第五届全国团餐大赛
➣ 世界咖啡冲煮大赛中国区选拔赛
➣ 2024中国餐饮供应链与新零售品牌推荐
➣ 2024中国火锅出品大赛
➣ 2024全国小吃大赛
➣ 上海国际手工冰淇淋大师赛
➣ 中华餐饮双创论坛 | FHC上海环球食品展预制食品论坛 | 可持续水产品交流峰会 | 中国食品供应链大会 | FHC全球乳制品论坛暨首届欢乐奶酪节 | 餐饮数字化战略转型升级研讨会 | 数字科技助力食品供应链降本增效高峰论坛 | 流量爆炸第三届世界外卖产业大会 | 再论上海菜传承创新发展论坛 | 中国餐饮新媒体营销峰会 | 中国罐藏食品技术进步与创新发展论坛 | 中国新烘焙影响力峰会 | 中国食品内外贸融合发展大会 | 中国餐饮产业潮流峰会 | FHC国际进出口肉类高峰论坛 | FHC商贸配对会
* 中国餐饮烹饪成果展示
中央厨房、餐饮新零售、AI 烹饪、中餐/食材/饮品标准化产品等系列成果展示;
* 预制菜与餐饮新食材
* 新时代科技餐厅
* 设备与工具
* 包装与物流
* 餐饮新零售
展会面积:170000 平方米
观众人数:147000 人
参展企业:4000 家
📌 展位号:N1D60▼ 浙江耕盛堂生态农业有限公司
📌 展位号:N1E01▼ 广东真牛馆食品有限公司
📌 展位号:N1E31▼ 上海就爱吃贸易有限公司
📌 展位号:N2D45▼ 黑甜 (福建) 实业有限公司
📌 展位号:N2D51▼ 大多福食品(青岛)有限公司
📌 展位号:N3E01▼ 深圳市金多多食品营销有限公司
📌 展位号:N3E20▼ 优鲜沛蔓越莓食品(上海)有限公司
📌 展位号:N3F01▼ 广州星屏食品有限公司
📌 展位号:N3P10▼ 广东新盟食品有限公司
📌 展位号:N3B10▼ 神州沃良(辽宁)商贸有限公司
📌 展位号:N5C01▼ 基快富食品(中国)有限公司
📌 展位号:N5C20▼ 海乐香辛料(济南)有限公司
📌 展位号:N5C31▼ 上海融麦益通实业有限公司
📌 展位号:N5E28▼ 新疆天蕴有机农业有限公司
📌 展位号:N5F01▼ 内蒙古薯都凯达食品有限公司
📌 展位号:E7E40▼ 彼安特亚洲有限公司
📌 展位号:E7P01▼ 苏州魔客食品科技有限公司
📌 展位号:E5G01▼ 山东平邑-中国水果罐头之都
📌 展位号:E5P05▼ 北京百越达商贸有限公司
📌 展位号:E5G60▼ 鲁商集团
📌 展位号:E5D35/E5C30/E5B30▼ 河南省农产品质量安全和发展中心
Dear Esteemed Members,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 27th Shanghai Global Food Trade Show, a premier event in the food and beverage industry, which will take place from November 12-14, 2024, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in China.
As a valued member of the World Chamber of Commerce Platform (WHCAM), your participation in this event offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore new business prospects, network with industry leaders, and discover the latest trends and innovations in the global food market.
Jointly organized by the Shanghai Culinary Association and Shanghai Sinoexpo Informa Markets International Exhibition Co., Ltd., and co-organized by the China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce and the All-China Bakery Association, the FHC Shanghai Global Food Trade Show has established itself as a pivotal event in the industry. Reflecting on the success of the previous edition, which saw participation from over 30 countries and regions, this year's event promises to be even more comprehensive and dynamic.
About UsJointly organized by the Shanghai Culinary Association and Shanghai Sinoexpo Informa Markets International Exhibition Co., Ltd., and co-organized by the China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce and the All-China Bakery Association, the FHC Shanghai Global Food Trade Show has been successfully held for 26 editions. Reflecting on the previous exhibition, delegations and exhibitors from over 30 countries and regions, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, and the United States, participated. The show attracted professional visitors from various fields such as food, hotels, catering, fresh produce, coffee, bakery, beverages, prepared foods, bars, clubs, supermarkets, retail, and franchise chains. This robust participation brought substantial confidence and momentum to the continuous and stable development of the food and catering industry.
In 2024, FHC will enter a new stage of development, comprehensively covering food, catering, and related industries. The exhibition will feature richer themes, fresher information, and more exciting professional activities. We look forward to your continued participation!
Event Highlights:
Exhibit Categories: Meat & Aquatic Products, Leisure Food, Dairy, Sweets & Chocolate, Catering Supply Chain, Condiments & Oil, Coffee & Tea, Bakery & Light Meal, Food Processing & Packaging, Prefabricated Dishes & Central Kitchen, Canned Food, and Hot Pot Ingredients and Supplies.
Professional Activities: Engage in blockbuster events such as the FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition, China International Pastry and Bakery Competition, and the Shanghai International Culinary Championship. Participate in insightful forums and conferences like the Sustainable Food Design Conference, China Catering BOSS Conference, and the China Takeaway Industry Conference.
Dates: November 12-14, 2024
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), China
Meat & Aquatic Products
Leisure Food
Sweets & Chocolate
Catering Supply Chain
Condiments & Oil
Coffee & Tea
Bakery & Light Meal
Food Processing & Packaging
Prefabricated Dishes & Central Kitchen
Canned Food
Hot Pot Ingredients and Supplies
Meat and Aquatic Products
Sweets, Biscuits, and Chocolate
Bakery and Dairy
Coffee and Beverages
Food Supply Chain and Condiments
Hot Pot and Canned Food
Food Packaging and Machinery
Importer/General Agent: 4.12%
Distributors: 5.35%
Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Retail Stores, E-commerce: 6.68%
Western Restaurants, Light Meal Shops: 8.05%
Cafes/Coffee Shops: 8.86%
Chinese Restaurants: 17.05%
Tea & Beverage Stores: 13.63%
Bakery/Cake Shops, Pizza Shops, Pastry Shops: 12.77%
Manufacturers/Producers/Source Factories: 9.27%
Ice Cream Shops, Chocolate Shops, Dessert Shops: 9.79%
Service Providers: 5.35%
Others: 4.12%
The 24th FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition
2023 FHC China International Pastry and Bakery Competition
2023 FHC Shanghai International Culinary Championship
The 11th Shanghai Fashion Drinks Competition - Shanghai Division
2024 China Coffee Roasting Championship - Shanghai Division
2024 China Barista Championship - Shanghai Division
The 4th National Contract Catering Competition
FHC Business Matchmaking
Your participation will not only enhance your knowledge and expertise but also provide a platform to showcase your products and services to a global audience. The diverse range of exhibitors and visitors ensures ample opportunities for meaningful interactions and collaborations.
We look forward to your active participation in the 27th Shanghai Global Food Trade Show. Please confirm your attendance by Sep 10th, 2024 to secure your spot at this prestigious event.
For further information and to register, please contact us at or WeChat ID: wchamoffice. We are eager to assist you with any arrangements you may need.
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- 2024深圳低碳酒店及绿色装配展【2024中国(深圳)国际装配式墙板展览会】 2025-02-02
- 2024中国·深圳智慧酒店展【2024中国(深圳)国际智能客控与酒店机器人展览会】 2025-02-02
- 2025中国·厦门速冻食品展【2025中国(厦门)国际速冻食材及包装机械展览会】 2025-02-02
- 2025年上海大型食品加工机械展【2025中国(上海)国际食品包装设备展览会】 2025-02-02
- 2025上海酒店墙面艺术涂料展【2025中国(上海)国际进口涂料及环保涂料展览会】 2025-02-02
- 2025上海智能灯具、智能音箱、智能门锁展【2025中国(上海)国际智能家居设备展览会】 2025-02-02
- 2025上海(上海)国际酒店用品展(HOTELEX SHANGHAI智慧酒店用品展) 2025-02-02
- 2024中国·上海国际健康食品代加工展【2024中国(上海)国际OEM健康食品展览会】 2025-02-02
- 2024中国·上海烘焙蜜饯展(2024上海饼干糕点、果脯蜜饯、膨化食品展览会) 2025-02-02
- 电 话:13524187672
- 联系人:王悦(经理)
- 手 机:13651828941
- 微 信:13651828941