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2024-09-16 08:00:00


In 2024, we will host the 32nd China International Commercial Ice Cream Machine and Ice Cream Machine Expo, showcasing the latest and most advanced hotel ice cream machines and ice cream machines. This exhibition will be held in Shanghai, providing you with a broad business opportunity platform.

This expo will provide you with a detailed description of the latest technologies and innovative applications of hotel ice cream machines and ice makers from multiple perspectives. We will present the following content to you:

Latest Technology Display: Participating manufacturers will showcase their latest research and development achievements, including intelligent control systems, high-efficiency coolers, and high-quality ice making materials. These innovative technologies will bring higher efficiency and better user experience to your hotel business.

Expert Forum: We have invited experts and scholars from relevant fields at home and abroad to participate in the forum, sharing their experiences and research results. You will have the opportunity to communicate and interact with top professionals in the industry, and obtain the latest updates and technological trends in the industry.

Product demonstration and trial: You can personally experience the performance and functions of various hotel ice cream machines and ice makers, understand their key indicators such as ease of operation, refrigeration effect, and ice making speed, to better meet your hotel business needs.

In addition to the above content, we have also prepared a detailed exhibition catalog and list of exhibitors for you, ensuring that you can fully understand the products and services of each exhibitor. In addition, a series of exciting industry events will be held during the exhibition, such as award ceremonies, new product launches, and business negotiations, providing you with more business opportunities and exchange opportunities.

If you are interested in this exhibition, we sincerely invite you to visit the venue. This expo is an excellent opportunity to showcase and exchange the latest technologies and applications with the industry, and we believe you will benefit greatly from it. Please feel free to visit our official website for more detailed information and the latest updates on the exhibition.



  • Zui新技术展示:与会厂商将展示他们的Zui新研发成果,包括智能控制系统、高效能冷却器和优质制冰材料等。这些创新技术将为您的酒店业务带来更高的效益和更好的用户体验。

  • 专家论坛:我们邀请了国内外相关领域的专家学者参与论坛,分享他们的经验和研究成果。您将有机会与业内dingjian人士交流互动,获取业界Zui新动态和技术趋势。

  • 产品演示与试用:您可以亲自体验各种酒店冰淇淋机与制冰机的性能和功能,了解其操作简便性、制冷效果和制冰速度等关键指标,以更好地满足您的酒店业务需求。

  • 除了以上内容,我们还了详尽的展览目录和参展商名录,确保您能够充分了解各家参展商的产品和服务。展览期间还将举办一系列精彩的行业活动,如颁奖典礼、新产品发布会和商务洽谈会等,为您提供更多商机和交流机会。




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    • 联系人:王悦(经理)
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