Welcome to the 2025 Shanghai Imported Rice/Grain and Oil Exhibition - the 2025 China (Shanghai) International Rice/Grain and Oil Expo. In 2025, Shanghai will once again become the focus of the global rice and grain and oil industry. As one of the international cities in China, Shanghai not only attracts global attention with its unique cultural charm and economic vitality, but also becomes an excellent venue for the International Rice and Grain Expo with its innovative and open attitude in the fields of food and agriculture. This expo is hosted by Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd., aiming to provide a platform for the global rice and grain and oil industries to showcase, exchange and cooperate.
Background and Significance of the Expo
With the growth of the global population and the diversification of dietary structures, the importance of rice and grains as basic food sources for humans is self-evident. As the world's largest consumer and producer of rice, China has enormous market potential. However, as consumers' demands for food safety, nutrition, and quality continue to increase, the demand for imported rice and grain and oil is also increasing year by year.
The 2025 China (Shanghai) International Rice/Grain and Oil Expo was born in this context. This expo will not only showcase new global rice and grain and oil products, but also explore industry development trends, technological innovations, and market opportunities, providing a comprehensive communication platform for exhibitors and visitors.
Highlights and Features of the Expo
1. Global display of high-quality rice and grain and oil products
This expo will gather high-quality rice and grain and oil products from all over the world. Both fragrant rice from Southeast Asia and organic grain and oil from Europe will be showcased here. Exhibitors will have the opportunity to showcase their new products and technologies, while visitors can personally experience and taste these delicious foods from around the world.
2. Industry Summit Forum and Seminar
During the expo, multiple industry summit forums and seminars will be held. Scholars and businesses from around the world will gather together to explore new trends, technological innovations, and market opportunities in the rice and grain and oil industries. These forums and seminars will not only provide valuable industry insights for exhibitors and visitors, but also offer new ideas and directions for the future development of the industry.
3. Innovative technology and equipment display
In addition to product display, this expo will also showcase new agricultural technologies and equipment. From intelligent planting and harvesting equipment to advanced processing and packaging technologies, these innovative technologies and equipment will bring revolutionary changes to the rice and grain and oil industries. Exhibitors and visitors will have the opportunity to learn about these new technologies and explore how to apply them in practical production.
4. Trade negotiations and opportunities for cooperation
This expo is not only a platform for display and communication, but also an opportunity for trade negotiations and cooperation. Exhibitors can have face-to-face communication with buyers, distributors, and partners from around the world to explore cooperation opportunities and reach trade agreements. Whether seeking new markets or expanding business channels, this expo will provide unlimited possibilities for exhibitors.
Shanghai: The Ideal Venue for Expos
As the economic center and international metropolis of China, Shanghai not only has a complete transportation and logistics network, but also has rich experience and resources in exhibitions. As the organizer of this expo, Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd., with its rich industry experience and service team, will provide exhibitors and visitors with an exhibition experience.
In addition, Shanghai's culinary culture has added unique charm to this expo. Whether it's traditional Shanghai snacks or international culinary feasts, they will bring unforgettable taste experiences to exhibitors and visitors.
The benefits of exhibiting and visiting
1. Expand the market and promote the brand
For exhibitors, this expo is an opportunity for market expansion and brand promotion. By showcasing new products and technologies, exhibitors can attract more potential customers and partners, enhance brand awareness and market influence.
2. Obtain new industry information
For the audience, this expo is an opportunity to obtain new industry information. By participating in summit forums and seminars, audiences can learn about new trends and technological innovations in the industry, providing new ideas and directions for their business development.
3. Establish industry connections and cooperative relationships
Whether it is exhibitors or visitors, this expo is an opportunity to establish industry connections and partnerships. Through face-to-face communication with scholars and businesses from around the world, exhibitors and visitors can establish valuable industry connections, explore cooperation opportunities, and reach trade agreements.
The 2025 China (Shanghai) International Rice/Grain and Oil Expo is not only a platform for display and exchange, but also an important opportunity to promote industry development and innovation. Both exhibitors and visitors will find their own opportunities and future here. We sincerely invite you to participate in this expo and witness the glorious future of the rice and grain and oil industries together.
Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. looks forward to meeting you in Shanghai and jointly opening a new chapter in the rice and grain and oil industry.
博览会的亮点与特色1. 全球优质大米和粮油产品展示本次博览会将汇聚来自全球各地的优质大米和粮油产品。无论是来自东南亚的香米,还是来自欧洲的有机粮油,都将在这里一一亮相。参展商将有机会展示他们的新产品和技术,观众则可以亲身体验和品尝这些来自世界各地的美味。
2. 行业高峰论坛与研讨会博览会期间,将举办多场行业高峰论坛和研讨会。来自全球的、学者和企业将齐聚一堂,共同探讨大米和粮油行业的新趋势、技术创新和市场机遇。这些论坛和研讨会不仅将为参展商和观众提供宝贵的行业洞察,还将为行业的未来发展提供新的思路和方向。
3. 创新技术与设备展示除了产品展示,本次博览会还将展示新的农业技术和设备。从智能化的种植和收割设备,到先进的加工和包装技术,这些创新技术和设备将为大米和粮油行业带来革命性的变化。参展商和观众将有机会了解这些新技术,并探讨如何将其应用于实际生产中。
4. 贸易洽谈与合作机会本次博览会不仅是一个展示和交流的平台,更是一个贸易洽谈和合作的机会。参展商可以与来自全球的买家、经销商和合作伙伴进行面对面的交流,探讨合作机会,达成贸易协议。无论是寻找新的市场,还是拓展业务渠道,本次博览会都将为参展商提供无限的可能。
参展与参观的益处1. 拓展市场与品牌推广对于参展商而言,本次博览会是一个的市场拓展和品牌推广机会。通过展示新的产品和技术,参展商可以吸引更多的潜在客户和合作伙伴,提升品牌度和市场影响力。
2. 获取行业新信息对于观众而言,本次博览会是一个获取行业新信息的机会。通过参加高峰论坛和研讨会,观众可以了解行业的新趋势和技术创新,为自己的业务发展提供新的思路和方向。
3. 建立行业人脉与合作关系无论是参展商还是观众,本次博览会都是一个建立行业人脉和合作关系的机会。通过与来自全球的、学者和企业进行面对面的交流,参展商和观众可以建立宝贵的行业人脉,探讨合作机会,达成贸易协议。
展会时间: 2025年11月12日-14日
展会地点: 上海新国际博览中心 (上海市浦东新区龙阳路2345号)
主办单位:上海市餐饮烹饪行业协会 上海博华国际展览有限公司
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历年来 FHC 邀请了全球50余个国家和地区的优质参展企业,携世界各地臻选美食汇聚上海。回顾2021年FHC上海环球食品展,我们迎接到来自比利时、丹麦、法国、西班牙、德国、意大利、加拿大、美国、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、马来西亚、南非、巴西、奥地利、中国台湾等15个国家及地区的展团,超过200家海外企业莅临。25年来,得益于举办商贸展览积累的丰富经验与围盖全球的资源网络,FHC 致力于打造契合中国食品饮料市场需求的重要展示交流平台,为全行业提供品质卓越的展览服务。
食品:休闲食品·进口食品·营养健康食品·及儿童食品·冰激凌· 巧克力·可可制品· 豆制品· 熟食·蔬果· 果冻· 果脯蜜饯· 西式甜点派· 膨化食品· 肉禽类零食· 海产品类零食
·豆奶 ·牛奶 ·羊奶· 椰奶· 奶油· 奶酪 ·奶酒 ·奶粉 ·奶茶 ·炼乳 ·冻乳 ·乳清粉 ·消毒乳 ·发酵乳(酸乳)·乳粉 ·乳品添加剂 ·设施设备
·奶粉 ·休闲食品· 辅食 ·保健及营养品· 奶粉· 零食 ·药品 ·原辅料 ·天然及· 天然及有机饮品 ·营养品 ·素食产品· 天然及邮寄调味· 天然及有机用品 ·特色产品
低温发酵啤酒·麦酒黑啤酒·烈性黑啤酒· 小麦啤酒· 精酿啤酒·手工啤酒 ·葡萄酒 ·威士忌·白兰地·鸡尾酒·洋酒烈性酒·传统白酒·及其他含酒类精饮品和酒配套·酒包装·酒器皿等
·酒花 ·麦芽· 添加剂 ·防腐剂 ·酶制剂· 酵母 ·高端水 ·碳酸饮料 ·功能饮料· 果蔬饮料· 果醋饮料· 固体饮料 ·植物蛋白饮料· 瓶装或袋装含水饮料· 果汁 ·蔬菜汁 ·包装容器· 加工设备
·快餐外卖食材· 餐饮配送· 团餐食品· 中央厨房· 铝箔餐盒 ·快餐包装 ·可降解快餐盒 ·快餐餐具 ·保温盒 ·外卖包装机 ·封口机· 加热杀菌设备
·火锅调理制品 ·火锅底料 ·鱼糜及肉糜制品· 肉类食材 ·水产海鲜·配餐调料 ·食品配料 ·禽类食品 ·速冻面点 ·蔬菜菌菜 ·餐具· 火锅相关设备 ·品牌火锅及餐饮连锁加盟物流服务
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